Tapestry Belly Dance NC
Tapestry Belly Dance NC
The Art Of Belly Dance with Amara Al Amir

TRIBUTES to Amara Al Amir Moving To North Carolina
After 30 years in New York, I am moving to Raleigh, North Carolina to open a new school and store.
Thank you students and dear dance friends for an adventure that cannot be matched. I truly treasure our time together and
hope to stay in touch.
After releasing my announcement I received a flood of emails wishing me luck on the next chapter of my life. I am so grateful for the response and nice to hear this while I am still alive, chuckle. Thanks everyone. Here are some excerpts...
From my mentor and lifelong friend...Serena
If it wasn’t for Serena, I would have never had this lifelong adventure in dance. I bless her and the day I found here that I could learn this dance in the right way from the Master and Artists Extradinaire. We had a great time together and I am so grateful.
"Best of luck in your new location! I know you will do well!!! Please, please do keep in touch. Frankly, I'm thankful to still be teaching and (under the right circumstances) performing. Love and again, best wishes with all your endeavors"...Serena of New York (Serena passes away shortly after I arrived in NC)
I cant' believe that NY will be losing you!!!! Well...our loss is NC's gain! Have a blessed journey...I hope I'll see you on your trips back North!...Gia
Those of us in North Carolina welcome you. I am in Asheville, 4 hours from Raleigh, but I do know dancers there and in Winston Salem. Good Luck...Chris
(This made me feel at home already....Amara))
Donna Carlton really helped me be known around the work with her Dance Discovery Video Catalog
Exciting news! Best of luck to you in your new venture...Donna www.allaboutbellydance.com
I guess dance for me is not over in NY with this email. Thanks Yasmeen
I am really happy for you. Some of the people I used to work with moved to NC and they told me it was booming there. Besides even though you are from NY you have bit bit of that Southern charm...I bet you do really well there. I've been thinking about doing workshops with various teachers...maybe you'd be interested in doing one here in NJ sometime when you come up here. How exciting...Keep in touch OK. Take care...Yasmeen of NJ
This is from my first agent who was the foster the Belly Gram in NY...Zohar
Good luck in your new home. I have never regretted leaving NY. I love the warm and sunny climate of AZ. ...Zohar
Now I am getting excited with this email from Marcelle, thanks Marcelle
Good luck with your move. There is such a nice belly dance community here in Charlotte which is about a three hours drive from Raleigh. There probably is in Raleigh too. I hope after you get settled, that perhaps you you will teach a workshop here in Charlotte sometime...Marcelle of NC
Wow! I can't believe you are leaving after all of these years. Sorry to see you go, but wishing you all the best in North Carolina...Best, Phaedra of NY
And now to new friends...
Oh, I understand you are sad to leave, but I am happy because you will be near me! You will be about 3 hours from me! Please keep me posted when you get here friend!!!! ...Love, Candy Heafner (Maysameh) of NC www.rebellydance.com
Awwwwww......Sorry to see you go but all the best to you, Amara...Sincerely, Amira Iriz
And to old friends...
I got a very strange feeling when I read your announcement. On the one hand, I'm really happy and excited for you because I know that this is what you want, but I feel a sense of poignancy, maybe sadness even because I feel as if a chapter of my life is going away. You were a big part of my life for a long time, and even though I don't speak with you often, I always feel a certain bond with you as a friend. So I will miss you, and miss knowing you are a 20 (well, maybe 25) minute ride away....Bashira of NY
Wishing you good luck and happiness with your move. May it be filled with inspiration and passion!...Meera www.Meera.tv
Wishing you all the best! Take care!...Love, Casey & Jeff
I wish you all the best. You will be greatly missed!...Kathy Shorr
Good luck to you!!!!!...WYLDKAT1977
Wow, that's big news. I'm sure a lot of thought went into that decision, and I know you'll be making a great choice. Good luck in your new endeavors!...Susan Greico of Scattered Pictures (Our photographer)
BO HO. I am sad and Happy...Honashe of NY
I know it's been a long time and believe me I've missed you, the belly dance classes and my belly dance family but I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you God's absolute best as you relocate to Raleigh, NC. May God continue to bless you and keep you...DawnMarie Goins
I have not seen you in awhile but wanted to wish you the best of luck in your move to Raleigh!...Carmela
I was just thinking about you today, I can't believe you are leaving. I want to meet up with you if you have the time before you go. I will will miss you very much...Raquel
Sounds exciting! let me know when the website is open for business...Gazyiah
The girls were lucky to have you as a teacher. Good luck to you in Carolina!...Trinity
What a major life change! All the best to you...Sandra Catena
I hope it is because wonderful things are ahead for you. Let me know. I am always your friend in life and dance, ....Gail (Gazella) of NY
So sorry that you are leaving............the very best of everything in NC. Thanks for your announcement ...Love, Levanah of NY
I saw this announcement and can't help but have mixed feelings. I feel very happy for you if this is a move that will bring you new and joyous adventures. But I am also saddened at your leaving. Though we didn't have much to do together, I loved knowing you were "out there" promoting the art and also that you are one of the special ones that knows what that even is!!! OK, so you are not going too far away and as you said you will be visiting.....but none-the-less, I will miss your presence as I have kept you close in spirit as one of my sisters. I wish you well on your new journey. If we don't run into each other before you leave, I wish you blessings of light...In dancing glory,.. Zarouhi of NY
Just when I am done with my play and ready to come back to classes! Good luck with all of your endeavors-I know you will do well wearever you are!...Durdanna (Debbie)
Congratulations on your move! I hope it's the best thing for you...Katherine Illescas
Change is always difficult but I wish you all the best on your relocation. I hope you insert a new edge to the creativity in the Raleigh dance community. All the best to you!...Yours in dance, ~ Rossah, the Hand of Fatima www.rossah.com
And from one of my dearest friends...the exquisite Soraya
Dear beautiful Amara, Hello! I am gonna miss ya here on the east coast! Have a blessed, safe and wonderful journey south...always please keep in touch...although we never got to meet in person, I feel like we have been close friends and confidants for many years. You know my motto: "Dreams DO come true"! Blessings, shimmies and purrs,...SORAYA www.bellydancebysoraya.com
Wow... sorry to hear you are moving,m but i am happy for you. i would like to move south also...Terry
Welcome to the South! Hope your experiences in North Carolina are rewarding and fun!...Sincerely, Babs "Noora" Flowers Lexington, SC
What a both, sad and fantastic adventure! I too am moving and have had to say goodbye's to my dear students so I can relocate to Ohio. So here is to New Beginnings and New Students and many other prospects!! *cheers*...Take a breather ! I am! haha...Raivanna (Andrea Cool)
I am very happy for you! I am sure you will have a brilliant future in NC!...Stay in touch! ...Kiss Hozuhni
Best of luck to you in your new location. We enthusiasts look forward to supporting you in your new endeavour...Devra Johari
I know many are sad to see you leave NY, but as a student of belly dance from Greensboro, NC I'm happy to have you come to this area. Thanks...Mysteria
Honey, I need all of the support I can get! I was telling my husband I was so excited someone of your talent and background was moving near me! I pray you will help lead me to be a better leader for my girls. I am always wanting to improve and learn more. I make sure I offer a positive environment for the girls who dance with me. We are no where near belly dance super stars, but we are stars in our hearts! :)...Let me know when you get here! Love, Candy
Congrats and best wishes for a successful move. ..Doris Chavez
Hi Amara, good luck and the very best to you... ZaBeth of Boston
Good luck on your moves to Raleigh! Your friend in dance, ...Amaya
This is great news...to see a developed NC community
Just received the nybellydance email re: your move to NC-Where are you moving to in NC? If you're interested, the NC bellydance community can be accessed through www.ncbellydance.org and carolinabellydancers@yahoogroups.com ...Regards from sunny Carolina, Sharifa Asmar
Wishing you a brighter future, Reid
How sad for us all and especially since my time with you was fleeting because of elder care and distance. But the Universe always nudges change so I am certain great things will happen for you. As we originally spoke, I have an old house which I use as a spiritual center and also belly dancing classes so you would be most welcome to do your master classes in Port Jefferson any time with lodgings included. Please keep in touch. ..Linda Gaul from Port Jefferson, NY
Thank you for your kind words! The world is a more beautiful place because of your presence!!
Blessings abound to you and yours!... Christine Thomas
I am thankful that I met someone like you in my lifetime. :-) :-) :-) -Sausan of Sausan Academy
TRIBUTES to Amara Al Amir